Milk Bread Hokkaido at Tang Zhong
2 ServingsTime:
1 – dough
Preparation : 10 minutes
Rest: 2 hours in the fridge and 1 hour at room temperature.
2 – dough:
Preparation :15 minutes
- Rest : 1 hour
- Rest : 15 minutes
- Rest : 30 minutes
MediuMilk Bread at Hoikkaido Tang Zhong
- 40 g flour
- 200 g water
- 300 g flour
- 280 g manitoba flour
- 60 g sugar
- 12 g salt
- 10 g dry yeast
- 10 g milk powder
- 260 g milk
- 1 whole egg
- 50 g Butter
Tang Zhong
Step 1 – Tang Zhong
To make milk bread, you have to prepare thang zhong. Take a pan and add the flour and water. Mix. Melt the whole thing well and don't worry if there are lumps at first, then they will disappear. We move the mixture over the fire and cook over a low heat, until we get a soft "polenta". Afterwards, place "the polenta" in a bowl and cover it well. Everything will go to the refrigerator for 2 hours and before using it you have to leave it 1 hour at room temperature.Step 2
After the rest time of the Tang zhon "polenta". Let's start with the second part of the dough. Incorporated into the kneading machine, manitoba flour and flour, sugar, milk powder, salt and yeast.I use the kneading machine for convenience, but you can knead even by hand.mix the dry ingredients well, then add the liquid ingredients : milk, egg and "polenta" at room temperature. We knead well for 10/15 minutes at average speed.
Step 3
Then add the butter little by little to room temperature and continue kneading until the dough comes off the walls of the planetarium/kneading machine. Transfer the dough to a work top and pyrlate (form a tight ball). Let rise for 1 hour.Step 4
After the leavening time, divide the dough into 6 equal parts and form well-pressed balls. Cover and let rise for 15 minutes. Afterwards, we stretch a ball with a rolling pin, but only on one side for the long. In the direction of the length fold one side towards the center and do the same process with the other side, superimposing it on the first. Roll the dough, then with the companies pinch it to close it and then place it in the buttered Plumcake mold. the same method you do with everything else.Step 5
Cover with film and let stand for 30 minutes. After the leavening time, preheat the oven (static) to 160°C. Meanwhile we brush the surface with egg yolk and cream (1 yolk and 20 ml of cream). Then we bake at 160°C for 35 minutes.Step 5 – Conservation
- Hokkaido Milk bread can be stored for 5/6 days well closed.
- If you wish you can also freeze it.
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