Soufflé Pancakes
What are Japanese Souffle Pancakes also known as Fluffy?
They are very fluffy pancakes, but very fluffy, airy and have a sparkling sound when you cut them, if it is the first time you try to make them stay "stucco".
15 min
Soufflé Pancakes
By: Sweet Shades & Delights

- 30 g flour
- 2 eggs
- 2 g chemical yeast
- 25 g sugar
- Vanilla
- 17 g milk

Did you know that?
The secret lies in airiness; are super ariosis, like souffle. When you cut the pancakes, you can also hear the air bubbles bursting!

Step 1
To make the soufflé pancakes, in a bowl, add the flour, yeast, vanilla and milk. Then separate the yolk from the egg white and add the yolks to the mixture. Mix.
Step 2
In another bowl with a whisk whipped the egg white, then add the caster sugar to the egg white. Mix.
Step 3
Incorporated into the egg white mounted the compound made with eggs. Stir gently.
Step 4
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